DRIPPING SPRINGS, Texas — In response to reaching it’s wastewater limits, the City of Dripping Springs will not be accepting any new development permit applications for a minimum of 10 days starting this Thursday as part of a temporary development moratorium.
“We can’t keep up with it with our current infrastructure and our planning,” said Dripping Springs Mayor Bill Foulds. “We did our last comprehensive plan in 2016. Since then, our population has more than doubled, almost tripled.

The moratorium will impact permits for developments related to subdivision, site planning, development, land use and construction inside the city limits, and extraterritorial jurisdiction for both residential and commercial projects.
“It ( moratorium) will probably be extended 90 to 120 days,” said Foulds. “After that, it still could be extended several more times if necessary.”
“The City of Dripping Springs recognizes the impact of rapid growth on providing for responsible development, especially as it related to density, transportation and the provision of wastewater,” the City said in a release.
Home builder Kyle Fernandez is hoping the hold is not extended. “So while it doesn’t concern me in the immediate, if the moratorium lasts for, you know, a month, two months, three months, it will affect my custom home business quite a bit,” said Fernandez.
The City said it will hold public hearings where residents and affected parties may comment regarding the potential extension of the moratorium. For more information about the public hearing or the moratorium, visit the City’s website.